
High Frequency Photodetectors

Silicon Photodetectors, GaAs Photodetectors , InGaAs Photodetectors and Extended InGaAs Photodetectors contain PIN photodiodes that utilize the photovoltaic effect to convert optical power into an electrical current. If terminated into 50Ω into an oscilloscope, the pulse width of a laser can be measured. If When terminated into 50Ω into a spectrum analyzer, the frequency response of a laser can be measured.

  •  1.5-5µm PbSe Large Area Power Detectors to measure power from 1.5µm to 5.0µm, has a selectable gain of either 2X or 100X, and an active area of 5mm x 5mm which facilitate alignment.
  • <2GHz Amplified Photodetectors contain PIN photodiodes that uses the photovoltaic effect to convert optical power into an electrical current and a fixed gain transimpedance amplifier allowing measurement of <1mW input powers.
  •  >9GHz Amplified GaAs ideal for viewing low light level sources, such as the rapid modulation of laser diodes, or for triggering applications.
  •  9GH and >12.5GHz 2µm InGaAs Photodetectors . If terminated into 50Ω into an oscilloscope, the pulse width of a laser can be measured. When terminated into 50Ω into a spectrum analyzer, the frequency response of a laser can be measured.
  • TTL-Analog Photodetectors for triggering applications with TTL output used to monitor the output of Q-switched lasers and externally modulated CW lasers.

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